
Risk Level: Three - Caution

[ about risk levels ]
Only one international airspace warning exists, that of Germany, cautioning against flights below FL160 due to a potential risk from military ops, surface-to-air fire and anti-aviation weaponry.

The security situation in Myanmar has deteriorated since the military coup in Feb 2021. There is conflict and violence across many parts of the country, involving air strikes and armed clashes. In urban areas, there have been shootings and targeted explosions, although normal city life has resumed in large parts of Yangon.

Major events:
Jan 2024 ongoing: Reports of GPS jamming (and maybe spoofing) in the north of the FIR for overflights between China and Bangladesh airspace.
Jan 2024: Armed group shot down a military helicopter in the northern state of Kachin, which borders China. They likely used a man portable air defence system (MANPAD).
Sep 2023: Several attacks by rebel groups against military targets across the country, including a makeshift drone which dropped bombs on aircraft hangars at an airbase next to VYNT/Naypyitaw airport.
Sep 2023: Reports of intermittent GPS jamming on airway N895 over the mainland in the VYYF/Yangon FIR.
Apr 2023: Myanmar’s main airport VYYY/Yangon temporarily closed following attack by resistance groups with improvised artillery rounds.
Sep 2022: A Myanmar National Airlines passenger was reportedly shot as bullets passed through the fuselage of the ATR 72 aircraft on approach to VYLK/Loikaw.
Feb 2021: Military coup ousted the government. ATC strike at the end of Feb resulted in no ATC service provided to overflights (read more on that here). Since then, there have been increasing strikes and mass protests by opposition activists, as well as clashes with militia and airstrikes on areas where militia are known to be active.

Read: OPSGROUP Article - Myanmar, Nov 2022

Current warnings list :

Source Reference Issued Valid to
Germany AIC 06/24 23 Nov 2022 Ongoing
Source: Germany
Reference: AIC 06/24
Issued: 23-Nov-22, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: Caution to German operators for flights below FL160 due to a potential risk from military ops, surface-to-air fire and anti-aviation weaponry.
Level 1 (lowest risk). Civil German air operators are advised to take potential risk into account in their risk assessment and routing decisions within FIR Yangon (VYYF) below FL160. Potential risk from military operations, surface-to-air fire and anti-aviation weaponry.