Risk Level: Two - Danger exists
[ about risk levels ]
US and allied forces pulled out of Afghanistan in Aug 2021, and the Taliban took control of the country. Afghanistan’s airspace now has no ATC service - the OAKX/Kabul FIR is uncontrolled Class G airspace, and overflying traffic should route around the country.
Some countries say that overflights should only be on airways P500 and G500 in the far east of the OAKX/Kabul FIR, whereas others allow overflights across the entire airspace at and above FL320. Overflights must be on specific contingency routes.
The primary risk is from surface-to-air fire targeting aircraft operating at low altitudes. Additionally, there is no ATC service across the country's airspace and an extreme threat to aircraft and crew safety and security on the ground.
Major events:
Aug 2021: US and allied military evacuations have finished at OAKB/Kabul airport. It is now under Taliban control. The FAA advises that there are no longer any ATC services available here, along with the entire OAKX/Kabul FIR.
Read: OpsGroup Note - Afghanistan Ops Update and Situation Overview July 2024
Some countries say that overflights should only be on airways P500 and G500 in the far east of the OAKX/Kabul FIR, whereas others allow overflights across the entire airspace at and above FL320. Overflights must be on specific contingency routes.
The primary risk is from surface-to-air fire targeting aircraft operating at low altitudes. Additionally, there is no ATC service across the country's airspace and an extreme threat to aircraft and crew safety and security on the ground.
Major events:
Aug 2021: US and allied military evacuations have finished at OAKB/Kabul airport. It is now under Taliban control. The FAA advises that there are no longer any ATC services available here, along with the entire OAKX/Kabul FIR.
Read: OpsGroup Note - Afghanistan Ops Update and Situation Overview July 2024

Current warnings list :
Source | Reference | Issued | Valid to | |
Canada | AIC 26/24 | 23 Aug 2024 | Ongoing | |
USA | SFAR 119 | 05 Jul 2024 | Ongoing | |
Germany | AIC 06/24 | 06 Oct 2023 | Ongoing | |
France | AIC 15/24 | 28 Sep 2023 | Ongoing | |
Italy | AIC 33/23 | 10 Jul 2023 | 05 Oct 2024 | |
UK | UK AIP ENR 1.1 (1.4.5) | 08 Oct 2015 | Ongoing |
Source: Canada
Reference: AIC 26/24
Issued: 23-Aug-24, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: Canadian operators should not enter the airspace of Afghanistan except for overflights at or above FL320.
Level 2 (Recommendation)
SECURITY – HAZARDOUS SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN. Canadian Air Operators and owners of aircraft registered in Canada are recommended to maintain a flight level equal to or above FL320 within FIR Kabul (OAKX). Potential risk from extremist and militant activity and limited risk mitigation capabilities.
SECURITY – HAZARDOUS SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN. Canadian Air Operators and owners of aircraft registered in Canada are recommended to maintain a flight level equal to or above FL320 within FIR Kabul (OAKX). Potential risk from extremist and militant activity and limited risk mitigation capabilities.
Source: USA
Reference: SFAR 119
Issued: 05-Jul-24, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: US operators remain permitted to overfly the OAKX/Kabul FIR at FL320 and above, but they can now use airways P500/G500 at FL300 and above.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is issuing this final rule to permit all: U.S. air carriers; U.S. commercial operators; persons exercising the privileges of an airman certificate issued by the FAA, except when such persons are operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a foreign air carrier; and operators of U.S.-registered civil aircraft, except when the operator of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier, to operate transiting overflights of the Kabul Flight Information Region (FIR) (OAKX) on jet routes P500-G500 at altitudes at and above Flight Level (FL) 300, subject to the approval of, and in accordance with the conditions established by, the appropriate authorities of Afghanistan. The FAA became aware that certain U.S. operators were having difficulty using jet routes P500-G500 in the Kabul FIR (OAKX) at altitudes at and above FL320 due to aircraft performance issues under certain meteorological conditions. After consideration of Afghanistan's practice of publishing Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMs) regarding overflights on these jet routes, the lack of any reported security incidents posing safety-of-flight risks to civil aircraft overflights on these jet routes since the FAA issued this Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) in July 2023 or while the FAA flight prohibition NOTAM that preceded it was in effect, and the very brief period of time U.S. civil aviation overflights on these jet routes would be in the Kabul FIR (OAKX), the FAA has determined transiting U.S. civil aviation overflights operating on jet routes P500-G500 in the Kabul FIR (OAKX) at altitudes at and above FL300 present a low risk. The FAA continues to prohibit U.S. civil aviation operations in the remainder of the Kabul FIR (OAKX) at altitudes below FL320 due to hazards to persons and aircraft engaged in operations at those altitudes due to the risk posed by violent extremist and militant activity and the lack of adequate risk mitigation capabilities to counter such activity.
Source: Germany
Reference: AIC 06/24
Issued: 06-Oct-23, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: German operators should not enter the OAKX/Kabul FIR below FL330.
Level 2 warning (medium). Civil German air operators are recommended not to enter FIR KABUL (OAKX) below FL330. Potential risk from terrorist attacks, anti-aviation weaponry and missing civil-military air traffic coordination.
Source: France
Reference: AIC 15/24
Issued: 28-Sep-23, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: French operators should not overfly the OAKX/Kabul FIR below FL320.
From 28/09/2023 and until further notice, pilots in command of aircraft performing air services mentioned in paragraph 1.1 are requested to maintain at all times a flight level above or equal to FL320 in the airspace of Afghanistan (OAKX FIR (KABUL).
Source: Italy
Reference: AIC 33/23
Issued: 10-Jul-23, valid until: 05 Oct 2024
Plain English: Italian operators should not enter the OAKX/Kabul FIR, except on airways P500/G500.
National air carriers and captains of acft in charge of air service managed by carriers holders of operating italian issued licence, whether they are contractual carriers and/or de facto carriers, or performing air service with commercial charter agreement or with code sharing and to all flights performed with italian acft registration, are requested to avoid Afghan FIR (OAKX) until further notice rmk: airway P500/G500 not affected.
Source: UK
Reference: UK AIP ENR 1.1 (1.4.5)
Issued: 08-Oct-15, valid until: Ongoing
Plain English: UK operators should not enter the OAKX/Kabul FIR below 25,000ft AGL except on airways P500/G500, due to potential risk from anti-aircraft weaponry.
Security - Hazardous Situation in Afghanistan
UK civil air operators are recommended not to enter FIR KABUL (OAKX) below 25,000 FT above ground level (AGL). Potential risk from anti-aircraft weaponry. Excluded from this recommendation are airways P500 and G500 for transiting overflights.
Contact UK Department for Transport +44 (0)207-082 6639 or +44 (0)207-944 3111 out of hours.
UK civil air operators are recommended not to enter FIR KABUL (OAKX) below 25,000 FT above ground level (AGL). Potential risk from anti-aircraft weaponry. Excluded from this recommendation are airways P500 and G500 for transiting overflights.
Contact UK Department for Transport +44 (0)207-082 6639 or +44 (0)207-944 3111 out of hours.